As I wrote in earlier blogs, the internet technology is very new to me. Although I was involved in the very beginning of the use of computers for commercial artists back in 1981, still things have changed so fast and so radically that in many ways I feel I am behind the times.
I told an artist friend the other day of my new website. I have a website for my art, but a different website was needed to publicize my memoir, “The Monkey Lady”. A friend who is not only very knowledgeable about technology, but also in helping me promote the book , created it for me. He did a fine job, but my artist friend commented that no one had yet responded . There are quite a few pages on my life if one Googled my name. She told me she did research my name and found that this new website was not listed. She wondered how the public would know about it.
I e-mailed my friend and he gave me the answer. At the suggestion of another friend I am posting his information. She thought what he wrote would help others in my position.
- “Since the site is new, it usually takes a few months for all the search engines to register it. Google doesn’t index a web site every day, nor do most of the other big search engines.
- A web site that is displaying (as yours is) by definition has a host, and in this case I am acting as your host.
- Every time you publish a blog, I share it on my social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus). He listed the many followers he has and said that each of these people see my post on his network.
- “Over time, as you keep blogging, more people will read my ‘broadcasts’ about you and head over to your web-site. Then you will begin to get comments and more traffic on your own site.”
I hope this helps explain the mystery of today’s world. His explanation was very clear to me.